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2022年 新年のご挨拶




昨年一年間も、皆様のお力添えのもと、積極的に教育改革を推進してまいりました。まず、2021年4月には、日本初のアントレプレナーシップ学部(武蔵野EMC: Entrepreneurship Musashino Campus)が誕生しました。アントレプレナーシップ(起業家精神)とは、高い志と倫理観に基づき、失敗を恐れずに踏み出し、新たな価値を見出し、創造していくマインドです。武蔵野大学アントレプレナーシップ学部は 、「自分の思考と行動で、世界をより良い場所にできると本気で信じる人を増やす」ことを目指しています。多数の現役実務家教員が、社会の最前線をキャンパスに持ち来たって、すべてが実践とつながる教育を展開しています。1年次は全員が寮生活。感性・知恵・響創力を磨き合う中で、共同して『ことを成す』たくましき実践人を育てています。


2021年度には、全学の共通基礎課程を刷新し、「武蔵野INITIAL」がスタートしました。今、武蔵野大学で学んでいる学生の皆さんが、社会の中核として活躍していく2050年の未来に向けて、世界の諸課題を担い解決していく人材となってもらうために必要な基礎的学びと実践力を養うことが目的です。このプログラムには、①文理を超えて「AI×専門」のデジタル人材を輩出していくためのサブメジャー情報科目群「AI活用エキスパート」、②本学のブランドステートメント「世界の幸せをカタチにする。」に基づいて2030年に向けた国連のSDGsの取り組みを推進するため、SDGsの理念を学び、自ら問題意識を持って主体的に学ぶ姿勢と実践力を身に付ける「Creating Happiness Program (CHP)」、③実際の社会を見て、体験し、自らの専門の学びの有用性を感じ、将来のキャリア選択のきっかけとしていく「フィールド・スタディーズ」などの科目群が含まれています。
また、全学共通基礎課程においても各学部学科の専門課程においても、全学のディプロマ・ポリシー「「アクティブな知」を獲得し、創造的に思考・表現する力を備えて、世界の課題に立ち向かう」を達成していくために、武蔵野大学独自の学修スタイル「響学スパイラル」に基づいて学修活動を進めることに力を入れています。「問う→考動する→カタチにする→見つめ直す」の4つのステップを繰り返しながら、他者と互いに学びあう中で成長し、2050年に向けてHappiness Creatorとしてcreativeな活動にチャレンジできる実践力を養ってほしいと願っています。




本学のこれらの教育改革の礎には、生きとしいけるものの幸せを願う仏教精神に基づいた人格教育があります。学祖高楠順次郎博士は、「理想が高まるに従って人格が高まり、人格が高まるに従って高い理想が現出する」と述べ、人格向上の教育を掲げられました。武蔵野大学に集う学生、教員、職員、卒業生をはじめ、すべての縁に結ばれた人々が、本学のブランドステートメント「世界の幸せをカタチにする。」を心にとめ、Happiness Creatorとしてブランドステートメントの具現化に取り組んでいきたいと思います。本学では、2019年3月に「武蔵野大学SDGs実行宣言」を発表しました。「武蔵野大学しあわせ研究所」を中心とする全学的取り組みに加えて、各学部学科大学院研究科においても宣言を発表し、独自の取り組みを進めていく活動を展開中です。本年はさらにその取り組みを全学的に加速してまいります。



武蔵野大学は、建学の精神を基礎に据えつつ、絶えざる改革と成長、発展を目指し、2050年を眺望した第一次長期計画MU VISION 2030(2020~2030年度)を推進中です。世界の人々とともに、「世界の幸せをカタチにする。」ために、今後とも教育研究活動を充実させてまいります。本年も引き続き、ご指導・ご鞭撻を賜りますよう、心よりお願い申し上げます。

西本 照真

New Year Message from our President


I begin by wishing you all well for the New Year, 2022 from all of us here at Musashino University.

We are grateful for your concern during this past year, as we seemed to see no end in sight of the COVID-19 pandemic.We offer our utmost appreciation for your ongoing support for our educational and research activities throughout the year.

We also wish you a safe and peaceful year this year.

Japan’s first Faculty of Entrepreneurship

During this past year, we have continued to advance and develop educational initiatives. As foreshadowed last year, we successfully launched Japan’s first Faculty of Entrepreneurship, known as ‘Musashino EMC: Entrepreneurship Musashino Campus’. Entrepreneurship means to engender high aspirations and ethical values, to not fear failure (but learn from it) and to lead. The Faculty aims to ‘encourage people to believe that we can make a better world, through our thinking and actions’. The Faculty staff are working at the cutting edge of these new skills and workplaces and bring that knowledge to the campus, establishing a true nexus between educational theory and real-life practice. To encourage an educational environment where budding entrepreneurs can realize their full potential, in their first-year of study, students work and learn together on-campus in a unique arrangement, offering a foundation to develop and finesse our key principles of sensitivity, wisdom and creativity.

The new common curriculum, ‘Musashino INITIAL’, and the ‘Enhanced Learning Cycle’

April 2021 saw the start of our new common curriculum, Musashino INITIAL. A key pillar of our teaching outlook at Musashino University is to educate students to think ahead to 2050, a time when they will most likely be at the center of shaping their society. We aim to prepare students to meet the anticipated (and unanticipated) challenges in the future, by equipping them the necessary skills and insight.

The revised program includes three key elements:

1. A new sub-major, ‘Applied-AI Expert’ encouraging all students, in the sciences and humanities, to skill themselves in the latest AI technology.

2. In furthering our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), from 2021 we incorporated these goals into our teaching, starting with the ‘Creating Happiness Program’ (CHP), with a two-fold purpose of not only making students aware of the SDGs but also as a way to realize our Brand Statement of ‘Creating Peace and Happiness for the World’ in a real and practical way.

3. Our Field Studies program, embedded in the curriculum to give students an opportunity to combine their academic studies with a range of off-campus experiences, offering a new avenue to engage both at University and in the community.

At Musashino University our liberal arts education aims to offer a practical education and is guided by our Academic Policies which ‘seek to attain “active knowledge”, through creative thinking and strength of expression, in tackling current issues’. This curriculum sets the foundation for the Musashino approach to learning and teaching which we call the ‘Enhanced Learning Cycle’. The term comes from the Japanese verb ‘hibiku’ (響く), meaning to resonate with, or to reverberate. It is part of the word to describe a symphony orchestra and this conveys something of the core of the concept—the bringing together of many elements of a student’s learning to create a meaningful, enhanced outcome. The Enhanced Learning Cycle embraces a cycle of four key elements, ‘~to ask, to think, to shape and to review~’, to encourage learning and thinking together with others and as part of each student’s own development as they approach 2050, as ‘Happiness Creators’, skilled and experienced in creative approaches to realizing the many challenges ahead.

Graduate School Education and Research

We continue to add further strength to our graduate education and research. Together with our commitment to undergraduate education, it is essential in these times to provide a high degree of specialist knowledge and expertise and to this end we continue to enrich and develop our graduate school opportunities. In April 2021, new postgraduate programs in data science, business law and mathematical engineering commenced as part of our graduate education designed to meet contemporary needs. And in 2022, we will establish a doctoral program in Data Science, continuing its rapid development since its introduction to our University.

‘Creating Peace and Happiness for the World’ and SDGs

Our teaching philosophy, founded on key aspects of Buddhist spirituality which include desiring happiness in all living beings, continues to underpin our approach to education. Our University’s founder, Dr. Junjiro Takakusu, an internationally renowned Buddhist scholar believed that ‘the character of a person is built when he or she has lofty ideals, and having a stronger character in turn brings about the emergence of even loftier ideals’. We believe all members of our University community—from our students, our academic and administrative staff, our graduates to everyone who has engaged with us in some way—carry with them the ambition to desire to realize our motto, ‘Creating Peace and Happiness for the World’. In March 2019, the University committed to supporting the United Nations SDGs agenda through the ‘Musashino University Declaration in support of SDGs’. Beginning with our Creating Happiness Incubation, a cross-faculty, inter-disciplinary research institute, all faculties, departments and graduate schools have similarly made declarations in support of SDGs. During 2021, we saw a deepening uptake and engagement with the SDGs, through formal studies and student and staff initiatives across the University community.

Approaching our centenary year 2024

This year is the 98th year since the University’s establishment in 1924. In the last twenty years in particular, we have grown from strength to strength to now include 12 faculties, 20 departments and 13 graduate schools hosting more than 10,000 students. We are turning our attention to celebrating our achievements as we approach our centenary in 2024. We reflect on those who came before us, who supported us and reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a long-term perspective for the next 100 years, as we commemorate this important milestone.

Musashino University prides itself on its fundamental teaching philosophy based on Buddhist principles. As part of this approach to growth and renewal, we are continuing to implement our long-term plan MU VISION 2030 (from 2020 to 2030). Together with the greater community, and for ‘Creating Peace and Happiness for the World’, we will be making every effort to continue our vital education and research activities.
On behalf of our University community, I extend my greatest appreciation and thanks for your continued support.
Nishimoto Teruma
President, Musashino University






在过去的一年中,我们凝聚各方共识,积极推动教育改革。首先,2021年4月,武藏野大学将会创建日本第一所创业学院(武藏野EMC:Entrepreneurship Musashino Campus)。所谓创业精神,就是指以远大的志向和道德准则为基础、不畏艰难险阻奋勇迈出脚步、探索并创造新价值的精神。武藏野大学创业学院将以“让更多人相信,通过自己的智慧和行动开创新世界”为目标。多位在职企业家导师,将会把产业最前沿的知识带进校园,开展产学相结合的实践教育活动。入学第一年,所有学生将会在学校宿舍集体生活,在磨练感性、智慧以及创造力的过程中,共同培养“实践型”人才。



1.为了培养出文理兼备的“AI+专业”的数字化时代人才,我校开设了副修计算机应用课程“AI 应用专业”。






坚持“创造幸福、感动世界”+ SDGs(可持续发展)




武藏野大学以建校精神为基础,以不断改革和发展、壮大为目标,正在推进展望2050年的第一个十年规划——MU VISION 2030(武藏野愿景2030)。与世界各国人民共同努力,以“创造幸福、感动世界”为目标,继续充实教育研究活动。衷心地希望今年诸位能一如既往地指导、鞭策我们武藏野大学教育事业的发展。
西本 照真




