業績 - 学術論文 >>> 学会発表

2011 - 2010 2009 - 2008 2007 - 2006 2005 - 2004


  1. 大塚 誠,多河典子,加藤史恵,松山賢治,大塚邦子,柳沢振一郎,鎌江伊三夫、医療薬学大学院教育としてのディベート演習用いた医薬情報評価学教育の試み、‐アンケート調査による医薬情報発信能力育成度の評価‐、医療薬学,31,136-145(2005).
  2. D. D. Heslop, Y. Bi, A. A. Baig, M. Otsuka, W. I. Higuchi, A comparative study of the metastable equilibrium solubility behavior of high-crystallinity and low-crystallinity carbonated apatites using pH and solution strontium as independent variables, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 289(1), 14-25 (2005),.
  3. Y. Sakata, S. Shiraishi, M. Otsuka, Effect of pulverization of the bulk Powder on the Hydration of Creatine Anhydrate Tablets and Their Pharmaceutical Properties, Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 46, 92-100 (2005).
  4. Y. Sakata, S. Shiraishi, M. Otsuka, Characterization of Dehydration and Hydration Behavior of Calcium Lactate Pentahydrate and Its Anhydrate, Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 46, 135-141 (2005).
  5. Y. Sakata, S. Shiraishi, M. Otsuka, Effect of Tablet Geometrical Structure on the Dehydration of Creatine Monohydrate Tablets, and Their Pharmaceutical Properties, AAPS PharmSciTech, 6(3) Article 66 (2005) (http://www.pharmascitech.org).
  6. T. Okumura, M. Otsuka, A Novel Standard Sample Powder Preparation Method for Quantitative Analysis of Polymorphs,J. Phrma. Sci., 94 (5), 1013-1023 (2005).
  7. S. Šašić, M. Morimoto, M. Otsuka, Y. Ozaki, Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy As a Tool For Analyzing Vibrational Images, Vibrational Spect., 37, 217-224 (2005).
  8. T. Okumura, M. Otsuka, Evaluation of the Microcrystallinity of a Drug Substance, Indomethacin, in a Pharmaceutical Model Tablet by Chemometric FT-Raman Spectroscopy. Pharm Res., 22(8):1350-357, (2005).
  9. A. Ito, M. Otsuka, H. Kawamura, M. Ikeuchi, H. Ohgushi, Y. Sogo, N. Ichinose, Zinc-Containing Tricalcium Phosphate and Related Materials for Promoting Bone Formation, Current Applied Physics, 5, 402-406 (2005).


  1. 宮崎智子,有本智佳,田原保宏,北山貴美子,寺岡麗子,大塚誠,松田芳久,速効型インスリンから超速効型インスリンへの変更時における糖尿病治療指導士としての薬剤師の取り組み,医療薬学,30(7), 451-456(2004)
  2. 大塚邦子,安原一,鎌江伊三夫, 大塚 誠,斎藤洋, J. A. Jorgenson,一般用医薬品点鼻薬の適正使用に対する外箱情報提供とリスクマネジメントに関する日米比較,医療薬学,30 (7), 483-491 (2004).
  3. 加藤史恵,寺岡麗子,大塚誠,松田芳久,平井由華,上田久美子,岩川精吾,冨田尚子,長嶺幸子,八木敬子,平井みどり,木口敏子,神戸薬科大学における学部3次年生を対象とした医療薬学系実習の展開(I)-院内製剤の調製と評価,医療薬学,30(9),601-607(2004)
  4. K. Kakinoki, K. Yamane, R. Teraoka, M. Otsuka, Y. Matsuda, Effect of Relative Humidity on the Photocatalytic Activity of Titanium Dioxide and Photostability of Famotidine, J. Pharm. Sci., 93(3), 582-589 (2004).
  5. M. Otsuka, Y. Ohshita, S. Marunaka, Y. Matsuda, A. Ito, N. Ichinose, K. Otsuka, W. I. Higuchi, Effect of Controlled Zinc Release on Bone Mineral Density From Injectable Zn-Containing-Tricalcium Phosphate Suspension in Zinc-Deficient Diseased Rats, J. Biomed. Mat. Res., 69A,552-560 (2004).
  6. M. Otsuka, Comparative Particle Size Determination of Phenacetin Bulk Powder by Using Kubelka-Munk Theory and Principle Component Regression Analysis Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy,Powder Tech., 141, 244-250 (2004).
  7. J. Peerapattana, Kuniko Otsuka, M. Otsuka, Time-Controlled Pulse-Drug Release From Dry-Coated Wax Matrix Tablets for Colon Drug Delivery, Bio-Medical Mat. Eng. 14, 293-301 (2004).
  8. M. Otsuka, I. Yamane, Y. Matsuda, Effects of Lubricant Mixing on Compression Properties of Various Kinds of Direct Compression Excipients and Physical Properties of the Tablets, Advanced Powder Tech., 15 (4) 477-493 (2004).
  9. R. Teraoka, M. Otsuka, Y. Matsuda: Evaluation of Photostability of solid-state Nicardipine hydrochloride polymorphs by using Fourier-transformed Reflection-Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy, -Effect of Grinding on the Photostability of Crystal form, Int. J. Pharm., 286, 1-8 (2004).
  10. Y. Sogo, I. Ito, M. Kamo, T. Sakurai, K. Onuma, N. Ichinose, M. Otsuka, R. Z. LeGeros, Hydrolysis and Cytocompatibility of Zinc-Containing a-Tricalcium Phosphate Powder, Mat. Sci. Eng. C, 24, 709-715 (2004).
  11. Y. Sakata, S. Shiraishi, M. Otsuka, Characterization of Dehydration Behavior of Untreated and Pulverized Creatine Monohydrate Powders, Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces, 35(3-4), 185-91 (2004).
  12. Y. Sakata, S. Shiraishi, M. Otsuka, Effect of pulverization on hydration kinetic behaviors of creatine anhydrate powders, Colloids and Surfaces, B: Biointerfaces 39(4), 187-93.(2004).