




For English






入構にあたっては「武蔵野大学 新型コロナウイルス感染予防に関するガイドライン」を遵守するようお願いします。






大学のMUSICネットワーク(無線LAN)の設定や、Microsoft Teams,Zoomなどオンライン授業で利用するソフトウェアのインストールについては、上記サイト内の「オンキャンパス授業受講ガイド」「オンライン授業受講ガイド」を確認してください。

Zoom, Microsoft 365(Word・Excel・PowerPoint・Teams・Yammer), Google Workspace (Gmail・Google Classroom・Googleドキュメント・Googleスプレッドシート)などの使い方は、このサイトで確認してください。問合せフォームも用意しています。

※MUSICとは、Musashino University Smart Intelligence Centerの略称で、本学における情報・メディア教育の推進を図ることを目的とした組織です。




















有明キャンパス :イングリッシュスペース(1号館3階)・アジアスペース(1号館5階)、プレイヤー・ルーム(2号館1階 )、CLS(2号館1階)

To all students and parents, guardians

This page contains information on how to respond to the Covid-19 (classes, entering the campus, etc.)

Musashino University’s teaching philosophy is underpinned by the idea of cultivating the human character based on Buddhism and in that spirit we continue to emphasize the importance of human life. While the threat of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection remains unpredictable, please take actions to help avoid getting infected or infecting others at our university.

Please refer to the link for Musashino University guidelines for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
(Musashino University guidelines for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection)
And also we have posted a “Q&A” (URL:https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/student-life/campus_life/faq/COVID-19_faq.html) with frequently asked questions regarding about the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection (for students). If you have any questions, please read this before contacting us.

Please consult the following URL for the related info of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. (URL:https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/news-all/news_covid-19.html)

*(Faculty members) Please refer to MUSCAT "Announcements from the University(大学からのお知らせ)" for more information.

[About entering the campus]

Please read and comply "Musashino University guidelines for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection" before entering campus.
We ask that you measure your temperature and check your physical condition using the campus access cofirmation check-sheet before going out.
We have temperature measurement spots on campus so that you can check your temperature on your own.

[Office hours]

Please refer to the list of contact information for each office.(https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/feature/COVID-19/inquery.html)

[How to attend class]

The conduct of classes will be announced separately on the university website.
Please check here. (https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/news/20230302-03.html

[Online classes]

[ On-Campus Class attendance guide ]
[ Online Class attendance guide ]
(Be sure to access this site. You need to log in with your Google account at Musashino University to view this site.)
For information on setting up the university's MUSIC Network (wireless LAN) and installing software for online classes such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom, please refer to the "On-Campus Class Enrollment Guide" "Online Class Enrollment Guide" on the above site.

[ MUSIC Help Desk ]
For more information on how to use Zoom, Microsoft 365(Word・Excel・PowerPoint・Teams・Yammer), Google Workspace (Gmail・Google Classroom・Google Docs・Google Sheets) etc., please visit this website.※MUSIC means Musashino University Smart Intelligence Center which aims to promote information and media education.


Musashino University Library has a partial limitation of use.
For more details, visit Library's website.

[Multimedia Classroom (PC Room)]

Multimedia classroom (PC room) is open with measures taken for good ventilation.


Keep silence and distancing while using cafeteria. Further more information, check on MUSCAT

[Student Hall]

Student Halls on both campuses are availabile.
Please avoid talking loudly and take measures to prevent infection when you use the halls.

[study room]

The self-study room for the training program and the legal profession/professional training program can be used with measures to prevent infection in place.

[Extracurricular Activities]

When doing club/group activites, please observe the handbook of club activities sent to the presidents of each club/group.

[Career Support]

Consultation with career advisors is conducted on face-to-face. The job hunting seminars, company briefings are conducted online.

[Scheduled Date of Coming to Japan]

Musashino University approves overseas travel (study abroad programs, overseas short programs, overseas business trip etc.) only that meet the requirements. For the details regarding the requirements, please confirm "9.Traveling overseas" of Musashino University guidelines for preventing the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection

[Study Abroad Program]

Please follow the policies of each study program. For the detail of policies, please contact to the office in charge.


The following spaces are available with the measures for the prevention of COVID-19.
Ariake Campus : English Sspace (Bldg No.1, 3rd floor), Asia Sspace(Bldg No.1, 5th floor)、Prayer Room(Bldg No.2, 1st floor),Creative Learning Square(Bldg No.2, 1st floor)
Musashino Campus : International Ccommunication Sspace(Bldg No.1, 1st floor),Creative Learning Square(Bldg No.5, 1st floor and 2nd floor)※At both campuses' CLS, meals are not allowed.

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