

There are two types of scholarships for international students: on-campus scholarships offered by Musashino University and off-campus scholarships offered by organizations and foundations outside the university. There are two types of off-campus scholarships: those that are applied for through the university and those that are applied for directly by students to organizations. For scholarships that are applied for through the university, people who are suitable for the respective purpose are selected and recommended through internal screening. Application guidelines will be posted on MUSCAT as needed. For those scholarships for which students apply directly to the organization, information will be posted on MUSCAT or the organization's website.

奨学金一覧 / List of Scholarships

Musashino University Scholarships

Please refer to the "Musashino University Scholarship Guide for AY 2024" for more information on Musashino University scholarships for academic year 2024. Information on the application will be posted on MUSCAT for current students as needed.

「2024年度武蔵野大学奨学金ガイドブック」/ "Musashino University Scholarship Guide for AY 2024"

Scholarships other than those MU provides (To be applied for through the university)

※募集があった場合は、大学から情報を掲示します。問合せ等は必ず大学宛にお願いします。直接これらの団体に問合せをすることは控えてください。 *Those scholarships will call for applications through the university. Inquiries should be sent to the university. Please refrain from contacting those organizations directly.
JASSO奨学金(日本学生支援機構)(給付) https://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/scholarship_j/shoreihi/about.html
公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会JEES留学生奨学金 http://jees.or.jp/foundation/index.htm
公益財団法人日本国際教育支援協会JEES日本語修学支援奨学金 http://jees.or.jp/foundation/index.htm
一般財団法人守谷育英会奨学金 https://moritani-scholarship.or.jp/
一般財団法人ダイオーズ記念財団奨学金 http://www.daiohs-zaidan.or.jp/
公益財団法人佐藤陽国際奨学財団奨学金 https://sisf.or.jp/ja/scholarship/foreign-studies/
公益財団法人ロータリー米山記念奨学会奨学金 http://www.rotary-yoneyama.or.jp/
公益財団法人平和中島財団奨学金 http://hnf.jp/shogaku/
公益財団法人長谷川留学生奨学財団奨学金 http://www.hasegawa-zaidan.or.jp/guideline.html
一般財団法人共立国際交流奨学財団奨学金 https://www.kif-org.com/activity/list.html
公益財団法人SGH財団奨学金 https://www.sgh-foundation.or.jp/scholar/
公益財団法人朝鮮奨学会 http://www.korean-s-f.or.jp/
公益財団法人長坂国際奨学財団 http://nagasaka.or.jp/

Scholarships other than those MU provides (Those that apply directly to the organization)

※大学のMUSCAT又は団体のホームページにて内容をよく読んで応募してください。 *Please apply after carefully reading the contents on the university's MUSCAT or the organization's website.
一般社団法人教育文化振興 実践桜会 http://j-sakura.org/contents/society/application1.htm
公益財団法人日本台湾交流協会奨学金 https://www.koryu.or.jp/business/scholarship/
公益財団法人東華教育文化交流財団 http://www.donghua.or.jp/shougakukin.html
日中友好協会 アリアケジャパン奨学金
※大学のMUSCAT又は団体のホームページにて内容をよく読んで応募してください。 *Please apply after carefully reading the contents on the university's MUSCAT or the organization's website.


留学生向け学外奨学金 2023年度 学内案内スケジュール一覧
Off-Campus Scholarships for International Students FY2023 / On-Campus Information Schedule List