






  • 国際交流と異文化理解について意欲があり、責任感を持って留学生のサポート活動ができる方
  • 交流会などのイベント開催の際に積極的にご参加いただける方


  • 日本人学生と友達になりたい方ならどなたでも




<令和5年度前期> 日本人学生84名 留学生60名 計144名

<令和5年度後期> 日本人学生27名 留学生34名 計61名


ランゲージセンター所属 協定留学生
楊 子奇さん(台湾) ※写真左

What made you decide to use the "Buddy Program"?

For me, the way to know quickly about Japanese culture is to get to know Japanese people. Moreover, this event does not require too many complicated procedures to participate in, and it is suitable even for people who cannot speak Japanese or not very good at socializing with many people. For example, I'm not good at socializing and cannot speak Japanese, so I could use a one-to-one option. In the one-to-one group, we can communicate with each other slowly without worrying about being ignored if there are too many people in the group.
Of course, this event also has many people in one of a group’s option, if you are a lively person, then this option is perfect for you because you can meet many people at once.

How do you usually interact with your buddy?

We usually use SNS like Line or Instagram to keep in touch with each other because my buddy is a first-year university student, and she is very busy with many classes, exams, and part-time jobs. So, we rarely meet each other, only went out once. But this is understandable. She is very busy and I have very few classes at school, so it is difficult for us to have the opportunity to meet.
But I must say that the only time I went out with her was very funny. We talked a lot about the cultural differences, and shared which countries we had traveled to, and the majors we studied were related, and we both like historical things, so we have many things to talk about. That was really an unforgettable memory. In addition to helping me understand Japan better, she also helped me in my daily life. One time when I didn't know how to change my student monthly pass, she went with me to deal with it. I am very grateful that she is willing to help me and makes me feel very relieved to have Japanese friends.

What was memorable for you through the activity?

The most memorable thing about this event is that it is not easy to get along with people from different countries, especially Japan, because Japan is a country that pays more attention to details.
In addition to different cultures, different languages also make communication very difficult, but I am very pleased that my buddy is willing to communicate with me in English. Although there are many times when I want to talk to her a lot, but the language is hindered, unable to express 100% of my thoughts to her, this is the most regrettable and most unforgettable experience. But this is also the best opportunity to train your foreign language skills. So, I think this is a very good event.

What would you like to say to those who are planning to use the "Buddy Program"?

This is a very good opportunity for you to get to know people from different countries. I know it is very difficult to take the first step, but please don’t worry about the language problem. Although language is a barrier, it is also a channel of communication.
Meeting people from a different country can help you better understand the habits and culture of the other country. I think culture shock is a very interesting thing. It allows you to understand Japan better, whether you may travel or working in Japan in the future, the experience will be very helpful.
Moreover, this program will attract Japanese students who want to get to know foreign students to participate, because as exchange students or students in department of global business, there are fewer opportunities to get to know Japanese students. Through this program, you can directly meet Japanese students who like to interact with foreign students. So, this is a great program without doubt. Finally, please enjoy your college life, be proactive, be friendly, keep smiling. Youth is only once, so be sure to seize the time and do anything you want to do.
But I still want to say a very important thing. If you can speak Japanese, maybe you can build a relationship with your buddy faster. Japanese is a very important and basic tool that you can communicate with Japanese people, this is my experience as an exchange student who cannot speak Japanese. Again, Japanese is very important.


程 凡さん(中国) ※写真右











ノア アズワンディ ビン ノア アズミさん
(シンガポール) ※写真左


What made you decide to use the "Buddy Program"?

I needed a buddy with who I could speak in Japanese because most of my friends speak English, and I hardly get the opportunity to speak Japanese. I also feel that this will give me more confidence in speaking Japanese, as I am always shy to talk.

How do you usually interact with your buddy?

We met at lunchtime and made plans occasionally.

What was memorable for you through the activity?

Sports event!
We initially met at a sports cultural event, and then we met again when I joined a buddy program. I was shocked. We became close friends after that!
She is always there to help with Japanese language, she is really really kind.
We spent much of our time speaking Japanese. I rarely speak English with her, so It’s good.

What would you like to say to those who are planning to use the "Buddy Program"?

It’s really a fun experience!