

- 学びのキーワード













All English —
Learn Business and
Cultural Subjects

The Department of Global Business offers lectures all taught in English.

In addition to lectures taught by our teaching staff, who have played active roles in the global business world, Q&A sessions and presentations are all carried out in English. Students efficiently develop a practical English communication capability by thinking in English, speaking in English, and discussing in English.


本学科では、4 年間全て英語でマーケティングや経済、金融などのビジネスを実践的に学びます。グローバル企業で活躍してきた教員から学ぶことで、英語で考え、話し、討論する力を身に付けます。

Practically Learn Global Issues
in “Global Studies”
and “Global Project”

The term “global issue” refers to various problems arising from the flow of people and languages across borders as society becomes more globalized. In a required course, “Global Studies,” in the second year, students will learn how multilingual and multicultural convivial society is supposed to be formed, and its related problems, followed by conducting proactive research of global issues in “Global Project” in the third year. Each group will present various ideas, make plans and conduct research accordingly, and make a presentation after analyzing their research findings. In our department, students are required to conduct research in global issues based on business-related themes and acquire practical skills that can be utilized in global business.


世界で活躍するには、国境を超えた世界規模の課題に対する見識を持つことも必要です。本学では2・3 年次必修の「Global Studies 」「Global Project 」の授業で、グループワークやプレゼンテーションを通してグローバルイシューについて調査研究を深めます。

Make Friends from
Many Countries and Regions —
“Study Abroad” while Studying in Japan

At the Department of Global Business, international students from all over the world and local Japanese students learn together. Although the department’s official language is English, its global environment, where different languages are routinely spoken, offers a virtual experience of studying abroad while studying in Japan. Those students who are inexperienced in using English often get perplexed at the beginning; however, as they are exposed to English every day and begin making more friends from different countries, they can enjoy “foreign language communication” within a few months. Students eventually realize that learning languages is not the ultimate goal but a tool that further deepens their mind through English communication.


本学科では世界各国から集まった留学生と共に学びます。学科の“ 公用語”は英語ですが、さまざまな言語が飛び交い、日本にいながら海外留学しているような環境です。初めは英語に慣れない学生でも数ヵ月もすると異文化コミュニケーションを楽しんでいます。



Based on our school motto, “the spirit of Buddhism,” we encourage students to contribute to the development of global society by systematically understanding business administration and learning creative and efficient management of an organization's resources while taking a global perspective.



English ability increases naturally in everyday university life.
In the future, I would like to expand business related to education for children globally.


3rd year student Ami Fujita

Graduate of Matsudo High School, Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture

藤田 あみ

3年 千葉県 松戸市立松戸高等学校 出身

I was attracted to the opportunity to learn about business entirely in English in the Department, where about half of the students are international students and in a global environment. I've had an interest in international studies and English since my high school days, and I recall being excited to see the brochure and website in English.

Group discussions are common in the Department of Global Business. By exchanging opinions with international students who are not used to norms in Japan, I learned the importance of holding and asserting my own opinions. I feel that I've gained the capability for self-expression and an international sense of being active in the worldwide field. Before entering the University, I was uneasy over whether I'd be able to keep up with classes in English. But day by day, using mostly English in everyday conversation in addition to classes, I naturally adapted to it.

In the future, I would like to go global with a project to improve educational environments for children in needy families, with an awareness of issues triggered by the educational support volunteer work I took part in at high school. While enrolled, I plan to gain professional knowledge of entrepreneurship and business as a member of a marketing seminar, while deepening my understanding of English and other cultures with study abroad in mind. I hope to continue pursuing my studies with the university brand statement "Creating Peace & Happiness for the World" in my heart.

グローバルビジネス学科 Student’s Voice


  • Chinese Proficiency Test
  • BJT
  • TOEIC®
  • HSK


  • Trading firms
  • Financial institutions
  • Manufacturers
  • Hospitality industry
  • Global courier delivery services
  • International organizations and many more


日本IBM /東芝テック/楽天グループ/アクサ・インベストメント・マネージャーズ/常陽銀行/矢崎総業/日本モレックス/フェデラルエクスプレスジャパン/コンラッド東京/羽田空港サービス/ウィルグループ/上智大学大学院/ミネソタ大学大学院/ルンド大学大学院/香港教育大学大学院 他

Professor's Voice

A global mindset will be developed through a four-year program of study at the Department of Global Business.

Connie Chang Professor

BSc & BBA, Chinese Culture University; PGDip in Hospitality, Swiss Hotel Management School Les Roches;MSc in Marketing Management, University of Surrey; PhD in Services Marketing, Warwick Business School.

Research field: Services Marketing, International Marketing, Consumer Behavior, and Marketing Modeling

A Global Citizenship Experience in the Department of Global Business.

Being a global business leader in the contemporary era, one must learn to observe things through a different lens in order to identify business opportunities as well as to overcome unexpected obstacles. Apart from that, it is also crucial to fully understand the importance of becoming more open-minded and the need to respect different voices emerging from different cultural perspectives. A global mindset will be developed through a four-year program of study at the Department of Global Business (GB). Our GB students will gain intellectual capital by absorbing a wide range of key subject knowledge, by critically analyzing data, and by implementing business strategies in an array of business domains. In addition, the unique English / Japanese / Chinese trilingual curriculum assists our students to attain a high level of language proficiency which will enable them to communicate with others more effectively, remove cultural barriers and become multicultural liaisons in the global arena.