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2020年 新年のご挨拶


本学ではAI時代を切り開くチカラを全学生が身につけるため、MUSIC(Musashino University Smart Intelligence Center)を立ち上げ、「AI for ALL」「BYOD」(Bring Your Own Device)を体現したスマート・インテリジェントなAI-Ready-Universityを目指しています。2019年4月に開設したデータサイエンス学部の学生たちはもちろん、文理を横断して「専門×AI」を全学展開していきます。
「世界の幸せをカタチにする。」 × SDGs

西本 照真

New Year Greetings 2020


On behalf of all members of the Musashino University community, I offer you warmest wishes for a safe and happy New Year. I also express our appreciation for your ongoing support for our educational activities throughout the past year and look forward to your encouragement throughout 2020.
Towards our centenary year: 2024
We are excited to be moving one year closer to celebrating the centenary of our University’s establishment in 2024. Last year our new Faculties of Data Science and Business Administration were successfully launched. Along with two new graduate schools of Engineering, and Business Administration, our educational divisions expanded to a total of 11 faculties, 19 departments and 12 graduate schools which combined, are providing a place for over 9000 students to learn and engage with the world.
We will continue with preparations for 2024 with just four years until our centenary milestone, while at the same time drawing on the strength of those who came before us to look forward to our next one hundred years.  
Preparing Creative Graduates to take on the World: our University in 2050
As we approach our centenary, we are already thinking ahead and preparing to enter our second century of pursuing educational excellence. To that end, we have articulated a bold five-point plan, ‘Looking to the Future, Musashino University’s Five Challenges for 2050’ in which we aim to prepare graduates now for the challenges of the future. Students of today will potentially be in key leadership and decision-making positions in 2050, when ‘AI’ and ‘GLOBAL’ will define the era.
       At Musashino University we are putting great effort into ensuring all students access and engage with the world of AI through a new University-wide center, MUSIC(Musashino University Smart Intelligence Center)as well as instituting a BYOD program, (Bring Your Own Device)under the premise of ‘AI for All’ , that is, all students both in the sciences and the humanities. It is a key pillar of Musashino University taking a ‘smart-intelligent’ approach to being an ‘AI-Ready-University’ and by extension, equipping all students for the new era.
       Along with AI, our mission includes preparing students for the ever-renewing ‘GLOBAL’ era through such initiatives as the ‘Global Leadership Program’ (GLP) and overseas study for undergraduate students. In 2019, that included sending all second-year students in the Department of Global Communications to the United States for a semester-long program of in-country study. It is the beginning of creating opportunities to combine the ‘Global with Specialist Knowledge’ as a key part of preparing our graduates.
 ‘Creating Peace and Happiness for the World’ and SDGs
This year will be our year to engage in a practical approach to realizing our Brand Statement, to create peace and happiness for the world. Our motto articulates the vision of the key Buddhist precepts for education as expressed by our founder, renowned Buddhist scholar Dr Junjiro Takakusu who also believed that ‘people of good character are built on high ideals and that in turn, people of high ideals can realize higher ideals’. It is something that all of us here at Musashino University, from our students and graduates, to our academic and professional staff aspire to in support of our mission to truly bring peace and happiness to the world. In March 2019, we took the next step in bringing a concrete platform to our ideals by taking a pledge to engage the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a fundamental pillar of our teaching and research. Already, these goals are manifested in University-wide projects such as the Musashino University Creating Happiness Incubation research center, and at Faculty-level with the Musashino Resources Project (collecting unwanted electronic devices for recycling) and the ‘Life Garden’, a rooftop garden project at Ariake campus, growing, harvesting and recycling fruit and vegetables and the like. In 2020, we are set to see further initiatives in this area.
The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics: 2020
Of course, no new year greeting this year would be complete without acknowledging the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. After years of planning and preparation, finally the much anticipated Olympic year has arrived. Our Ariake campus is surrounded by many of the venues for the Games and we will be involved in our capacity as ‘Host Town House’, a venue where local government officials and the countries they have hosted in the prelude to the Games can come together, a focal point for the sports and related activities in Tokyo. Just as the Olympics are symbolic of bringing together nations and regions in peace to compete in sporting endeavors, so it is appropriate that we, as an institution dedicated to creating peace and happiness, can welcome athletes, officials and visitors from all around the world during this time.
In closing, it is once again my privilege, on behalf of all of us here at Musashino University, to express our gratitude for your continued guidance and encouragement for our education and research programs in 2020.

Teruma Nishimoto 
President Musashino University
1 January 2020



当今,武藏野大学提出了「展望未来的2050年 武藏野大学的5项挑战」的目标,旨在培育能够解决世界面临的各种难题的新型人才,并着手开始各项教育改革。到2050年之际,也正是本校就读的学生们达到50岁左右的时候,他们将成为活跃在社会的核心力量。面对未来的社会,不可或缺的正是“人工智能”与“全球化”。
本校为了能让全校学生掌握开拓人工智能时代的能力,开设了MUSIC (Musashino University Smart Intelligence Center,武藏野大学智能情报中心),将以体现“AI for ALL”“BYOD”(Bring Your Own Device)智能时代的AI-Ready-University(适应智能时代的大学)为发展目标。不仅是2019年4月设立的数据科学学院的学生,还将跨越文理专业,在全校推行“专业知识×人工智能”。
“创造幸福 感动世界” × 可持续发展目标
构建大学的这些教育改革的基础中,蕴含着佛教精神中祈望万物生灵幸福的人格教育。大学创始人高楠順次郎先生提倡重视人格教育,指出“理想造就人格,人格提升理想”。武藏野大学的学生、教师、职员和毕业生以及所有有缘相聚于本校的人士,将秉承“创造幸福 感动世界”的理念,共同协力,不断迈进。本校已于2019年3月公布了“武藏野大学可持续发展目的实践宣言”,并已开设“幸福研究所”、部分院系开展了“武藏野矿山计划”、并利用有明校区屋顶空间建设“生命花园”等,具体实施了具独特性的各项活动。今年将更加积极地把这些计划推展至校园各处。

西本 照真




